Friday, February 04, 2005

Unlawful Committals Who's Next

You are the average Jane or John Doe. You are a very well liked, Jane or John Doe. You do not have a mental illness, you have a job, a great family, money in the bank, you have a great love for life, but there is also something else that you may have, that would in fact, and should in fact, scare the hell out of you! What is it you say? Why, you may have the same exact name, as another citizen, who has been released from a psychiatric hospital, one who has been ordered to stay on anti-psychotics, and one who the police are looking for, because the ex-patient has not reported to the authorities on a regular basis, and the ex-patient has not been taking their anti-psychotics. How would they know the ex-patient was not taking their anti-psychotics? Can you say prescription? You can bet authorities know when ex-patients buy their anti-psychotics, where they bought them, and at what time! Now let's say that you call the police for whatever reason, be it, reporting an accident, a prowler, a thief walking out of your neighbors house with your neighbors stuff! The police may enter your name into their computer system, and then you may get a suprise when the S.W.A.T team shows up at your door with guns, pepper spray, taser guns etc, etc, while you are still on the phone with the police! It can happen so fast, you may get taken to hospital by police, and the police may only give to hospital a verbal report to hospital authorities, explaining why they brought you in (fabricated/embellished!, maybe). You may be refused a call to your family, or lawyer or friend, you may refuse to talk to a psychiatrist because you want your phone call, the director of psychiatry may take your unwillingness to co-operate as an illness to which you know nothing about! Inform yourself now, and be prepared should a family member or friend get sucked in by the grips of psychiatry! Ask questions!, and don't leave the hospital without getting answers from hospital staff, and also the police! Insist on seeing the person in question, don't take no for an answer! Get a police report, the hospital report! Mistakes have been made before with police taking the wrong people to hospital where verbal fabricated/embellished police reports have been left, who knows the hospital can always use the extra cash if the person has private health insurance to cover the cost of unlawful committals!
Note: If you or anyone you know needs psychiatric help, go to the proper authorities, but do your research into what can happen and what to expect. We are not advising not to go, but to be aware.
Good Luck, Gotta Go, back to


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